Believing In Ourselves Productions (B.I.O. Productions), founded by Aaron Cooley, is a multi-dimensional lifestyle brand based in New England. Its mission is to create more opportunities and attention for local talent. Initially known for its Snapchat highlights featuring post-workout inspirational words of encouragement, B.I.O. today works with NBA players, retail stores, and amateur talent to create high mass productions.
In 2016, Aaron Cooley founded BIO Productions in a graphic arts room at Newton North High School. Now, as he approaches his Senior year at Brown University, Cooley is pursuing a major in Modern Culture Media with a minor in entrepreneurship. He remains dedicated to expanding the brand through short films, clothing, and freelance content creation, focusing particularly on music and athletics.
The company specializes in short-form content featuring high school athletes captured on handheld camcorders and edited with iMovie and Final Cut Pro by Cooley. Through the development of social content, BIO Productions helped to raise the profile of inner-city talent in Boston, including Dasonte Bowen (class of '26, Iowa), Davonte Jamison (class of '24, St. Thomas Aquinas College), and Kurtis Henderson (class of '25, Hartford University).